Thursday, March 5, 2009

Congresswoman Bachmann Responds to Big Government Spend-a-thon

Since the inauguration of President Obama, our country has embarked on a big money, big government spend-a-thon. After passing a $1.1-trillion-plus economic “stimulus” package and a $275-billion plan to address perhaps 9 million American mortgages, Washington’s recent big dollar accomplishment was an appropriations omnibus that represents the largest discretionary spending increase, aside from legislation after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, since the Carter Administration. And yet President Obama has repeatedly expressed a desire to pass fiscally responsible legislation and significantly reduce the deficit.

He can’t have it both ways.

If we look back on the last 19 months, you’ll find that the U.S.
government has pledged more than $11.6 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers to dig our nation out of our economic woes – and that’s not counting the $410-billion omnibus the Senate is sorting out right now.

And now, the President has released his budget for fiscal year 2010 that not only raises taxes, but grows government to new and unheard of heights. President Obama's budget includes nearly $1 trillion just in new health care spending and proposes to pay for it with an economy-crippling energy tax that will cost the average family about $4000 more a year. Our government is like a runaway train that’s speeding down the tracks, barreling through any supposed notion of fiscal responsibility.

Washington is asking Americans to bear down and make sacrifices as our country finds its way out of our economic rut, and Washington would be wise to heed that advice and do the same. If you've cut back your spending, it's only fair that we cut back ours. Taxpayers are struggling enough in this weakened economy and it is time Congress started to show respect for the American people and stop increasing the weight of their financial burdens. The spending spree has to stop.

Submitted by ASO member: Congresswoman Bachmann


Unknown said...

"After passing a $1.1-trillion-plus economic “stimulus” package and a $275-billion plan to address perhaps 9 million American mortgages,... And yet President Obama has repeatedly expressed a desire to pass fiscally responsible legislation and significantly reduce the deficit.

He can’t have it both ways."

OF COURSE he can't have it both ways ... SIMULTANEOUSLY. Which is why the President has WISELY PRIORITIZED the actions needed to restore our economy. Deficit reduction is a luxury that we cannot afford these days, Rep. Bachman. Read your history, and pay close attention to the damage that Pres. Hoover caused. There weren't shantytowns nicknamed Hoovertowns for nothing.

I've heard many Republicans and conservatives complaining that FDR didn't pull us out of the Depression, and that that didn't occur until the War. First, when FDR took office, unemployment was at something like 30%. After two FDR terms, unemployment was still high - but less than 20% IS NOT 30%, and if he hadn't listened to deficit hawk Republicans at that time, every few years, the Depression would have ended sooner. What DID bring an end to the Depression?? BIG GOVERNMENT SPENDING!!! FOR THE WAR!!!! Government is the only economic engine that is left that is big enough to drag our economy out of the ditch that Bachman and Company have run it into. (forgive the sentence ended with a preposition).

GET A GRIP. Get a new outlook on conservatism. That is, if you want to keep it out of mothballs.

Anonymous said...

Shakira, arrogance is the only word that comes to mind after reading your posting. Do you feel entitled to speak from the big box you so obviously stand upon now b/c of the recent elections? Please show some respect when you address an elected Congressman even if you don't respect their opinions.; harsh, disrespectful discourse doesn't solve problems just like throwing money (billions) at a sinking ship will not solve our problems either. Maybe if you do that, we can all get along as we sink together...

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